03.12.2024. The second meeting of our EUropa AG took place yesterday. After a brief review of the founding meeting in mid-September, one group dealt with the application documents and the registration procedure for Erasmus student mobilities, which we want to implement immediately for subsequent trips. Another group worked on project ideas for activities in our school and as part of Europe Week in the state of Bremen - as well as for participation in competitions such as ‘Europe? But safe!’ and “Act democratically”. In the coming weeks, another group will also be working on the logo for our working group. The next meeting will take place in 2025, invitation will follow soon!
Author Archives: Herr Eule
Schule:Global network meeting
Schule:Global network meeting
27.11.2024. We were in Bonn for this year's Schule:Global network meeting from 25 to 26 November. In addition to many exciting impulses and a lot of input as well as collegial exchange, we were able to enrich the meeting with a best-practice presentation on our ‘Demokratier’ - a project that we carried out for the first time this summer with our current learning groups of the E phase under the leadership of our colleague Nele Schirrmacher ... and a project that was very inspiring! 🙂
Simulation of the United Nations 2024
22.11.2024. 20 students from the E-phase, accompanied by Ms. Engel and Mr. Schmitt, were in Hamburg from November 13th to 15th to participate in a two-day simulation of the United Nations.
This simulation was organized by HAUS RISSEN, a non-partisan non-profit institute. In this simulation, young people slip into the role of delegates from various countries as realistically as possible and represent their country's position in joint diplomatic negotiations.
In the Human Rights Council and the Economic and Social Council, we represented five out of 34 countries (Chile, Japan, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, and Nigeria) to fight for girls' rights and the right to education for all.
In addition to us, students from the following Hamburg schools participated: Brecht-Schule, Bugenhagenschule, Jenisch-Gymnasium, STS Bergedorf, and STS Poppenbüttel.
It was a very intense time, but it was also great to see how we grew together as a group. We faced the challenges and grew a lot!
EUrope AG
17.09.2024. The first meeting of our newly founded EUropa AG took place yesterday. After a brief round of introductions (why & what for), we discussed our plans and drew up our first concrete plans (co-creating, living, receiving, developing, enabling). We would like to thank the people who attended and who all want to come again. The next meeting will take place after the autumn holidays. Invitation will follow soon!
Job shadowing from Krakow
19.08.2024. Last week, Ms. Anna Nowakowska from ZSEL1 in Krakow was our guest. After we had organized very successful joint project weeks in Krakow together in the last two school years (see also: Link 1 & Link 2), she now visited us as part of a so-called Job Shadowing from 12 to 16 August.
Among other things, she sat in on classes in German, English, mathematics, biology, economics and psychology in all year groups as well as basic and advanced courses. In addition, she enriched our contribution “Erasmus at CvO GyO” at the Europe workshop for the new trainee teachers on August 16, took part in our online exchange with our School:Global school coach Ms. Lena Westermeier and also attended the annual general meeting of our school's support group.
After a wonderful week and a joint visit to the “Maritime Days”, it was time to say goodbye. But we have already planned two more project weeks. We are very much looking forward to welcoming students to Krakow again next year - but also to welcoming Ms. Nowakowska and a group of Polish students to our school.
With this in mind: “Do zobaczenia wkrótce, Anna!"
Job Shadowing in Thessaloniki
21.04.2024. Our teachers Dr Hoffmann, Mr Siebs and Mr Ehlert visited the "Second Lyceum of Kalamaria" in Thessaloniki (Greece) at the beginning of March. As part of a job shadowing programme sponsored by the European Union, they sat in on various subjects and were able to participate in school life.
In addition, a preparatory visit was organised for a student exchange next year with the overarching theme of "STEM - Water testing using self-built measuring devices with Arduino components".
Travelling exhibition ‘EU on tour’
01.05.2024. We are very happy that we were able to host the travelling exhibition ‘EU on tour’ of the European Parliament's Liaison Office in Germany over the last ten days - see also: https://www.eu-on-tour.eu/.
This travelling exhibition provided us with extensive information on the upcoming election, insights into the work of the European Parliament and an overview of existing participation formats and further offers - and was therefore a complete success!
The aim was to sensitise our first-time and young voters aged 16 and over in particular to the importance of the European elections and to motivate them to exercise their right to vote.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the European Parliament's liaison office in Germany for this wonderful opportunity.
Experience report Athens 11/2023
Krakow Review
14.04.2024. We were guests in Krakow between 8 and 12 April 2024 and worked with pupils and teachers from our Polish partner school ZSEL No1 as part of a joint project week entitled "Together against Racism". We focussed on the forms, foundations, concepts and challenges of Racism and Anti-Semitism - with reference to the German-Polish past (including the "perpetrator people" and "victim people" under National Socialism). In addition, we have developed possible courses of action and ideas against Racism and Anti-Semitism. - See also: https://erasmus.cvo-gyo.de/en/our-projects/2400-2/
We are currently making a video about this project week. More here soon 😉
Day of Responsibility
26.01.2024. This year, our Day of Responsibility was all about interculturality - and the GDL strike, which meant we had to turn this event into a hybrid event at short notice.
We were awarded our "Schule:Global" seal by Ms. Lena Westermeier (from Partnership International e.V.). This award and partnership is intended to help us to strengthen the intercultural and global competence of our student body, whereby we want to make our contribution to creating and promoting the foundations for peaceful coexistence in a cosmopolitan, sustainable and diverse society.
Afterwards, Mr. Dario Morazán, an interdisciplinary designer with a focus on social power structures and racism, gave a lecture on the basics and challenges of racism in everyday life and schools.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Lena Westermeier and Mr. Dario Morazán for their flexibility and willingness to enrich our Day of Responsibility in this way.