We welcome our new beginning teachers in Bremerhaven with a Europe workshop called „Europäische Lehrkräfte als Vorbilder für lebenslanges Lernen, demokratisches Denken und gemeinschaftliches Handeln”. The workshop deals with the results of the EU-funded LOOP project (No. 2020-1-PT01-KA201-078764) and the implications for our school Schulzentrum Carl von Ossietzky - gymnasiale Oberstufe (CvO GyO).
Our participation in the LOOP project and especially in the international conference "Teacher learning through e-mentoring - a contribution to the future of Education" in Braga, Portugal significantly strengthens teacher collaboration within our school and with other European educators and stakeholders, as well.
The Erasmus+ team at our school has grown, the role of European values such as democratic thinking and collaboration further increases. We learn a lot about innovative teaching and learning approaches and discuss new concrete ideas of conceptual development potentials. Working on the LOOP project makes room for teamwork, critical discussion, creativity and participation. More teachers are involved in school development like digitalization, interdisciplinary and inter-grade projects and the revision of our school concept. We specify our visions about teaching and learning and start to establish a European cooperation network. Let’s stay in contact as friends and, hopefully as project partners, as well:
Presentation for the Europe Day Workshop in Bremerhaven: PDF
Review of the international LOOP conference in Braga: YouTube
Learn more on the project homepage